Here are the Plan's key documents. Other Plan documents are stored on ePA and are available on request.
The Trustees want to help the members of the Eaton UK Pension Plan understand their AVC investment choices and how their decisions may affect their savings at retirement. Pension law also says that the Trustees must share certain information with their members each year.
Each year we are required to tell you how we have implemented our governance of the Plan. This can be found in a document below, called the Statement and the Chair's Statement.
Learn more about the Plan's investments, costs and charges and how the Trustees work to ensure that members get value for money, here:
Summary Funding Statements for the historic Plans are shown in editions of Plan Ahead that were published before 2016.
click on links below for most recent performance. The performance shown in the factsheet does not include any deductions for fees.
*ISIN numbers are shown against the fund name. The ISIN or International Securities Identification Number is a code which is a unique fund identifier. This code can be used to search for a specific fund used by the Plan. Information on the fund charges can be found in the Annual Chair's Statement.
Aegon BlackRock All Stocks UK Gilt Index (BLK) GB00BFK3K361* |
Aegon BlackRock All Stocks UK Index-Linked Gilt Index (BLK) GB00BFK3KT22* |
Aegon BlackRock Cash (BLK) GB00BFK3K478* |
Aegon BlackRock Aquila Life 60:40 Global Equity (BLK) GB00BFK3HP70* |
Aegon BlackRock Aquila Life Corporate Bond Index All Stocks (BLK) GB00BFK3JJ50* |
Aegon BlackRock Aquila Life Over 15 Year UK Gilt (BLK) GB00BFK3HX54* |
Aegon BlackRock Market Advantage (BLK) GB00BHDRXN05* |
Aegon BlackRock MSCI World Index (BLK) GB00BD6RK389* |
Aegon BlackRock UK Equity Index (BLK) GB00BHDRXR43* |
Previous Summary Funding Statements are available on request.
If you die while you are contributing to the Plan, your dependants receive valuable death benefits. The Trustees decide how death benefits are paid, but take your wishes into account. Completing an Expression of Wish Form is very important because it lets the Trustees know how you would like your death benefits to be paid.
If you or your beneficiaries have a problem which cannot be resolved by the Plan’s administrators, you can use the Plan’s dispute resolution procedure. A dispute resolution form is available from your HR Department. If you are a pensioner, or have stopped working for Eaton, then you can also get a dispute resolution form from the Plan’s administrators.
The form must be completed and signed by you, or your representative, and sent to The Plan Secretary at:
01707 607603
Eaton UK Pension Plan
PO Box 545
You or your representative will be sent an acknowledgement immediately and a written answer should be provided within two months. If an answer cannot be provided in that time, a reply will be sent explaining why and indicating when a reply will be made.
If you or your representative are dissatisfied with the answer, an appeal can be made to the Trustee. This must be done in writing to the Chair of the Trustee at the address above within four months of the answer being received. Copies of the original completed form, the reply and a statement of the reason(s) why the reply is considered unsatisfactory should be attached.
The Trustee will consider your appeal and you will receive a written answer on its behalf within four months. In the unlikely event that an answer cannot be provided in that time, a reply will be sent explaining why and indicating when a reply will be made.
If you are still dissatisfied after appeal to the Trustee, you can ask the Pensions Ombudsman.